Dear Reader, 

We are so proud to be bringing you the 2024 edition of A Consumers Guide to Grants Management Systems for Public and Private Foundations, which was formerly known as A Consumers Guide to Grants Management Systems. As the sponsors and stewards of this guide, we have combined our expertise and knowledge of the GMS landscape along with the movements and trends we see happening across the sector.  

Since the time of the release of this guide there have been notable mergers, acquisitions, and changes among GMS platform providers. Whether these developments signal a broader trend for consolidation within the market is unclear. For more information on specific platforms, please contact the vendor directly.  

Earlier this year, grants management professionals took the time to complete a survey and provide their thoughts. Their invaluable input both reinforced and expanded upon the transition philanthropy is making from a transactional to a transformational field—not only in the people and principles it is embracing, but also in the technology it uses.    

We want to acknowledge the tensions that have sprung from these trends, particularly pertaining to the roles and responsibilities that we now expect our grants management systems to fill. We require them to engage and participate in the larger ecosystem of philanthropy, balancing the day-to-day work of grants management professionals with the higher principles and practices we wish to see applied in that work. To this end, you will notice that our evaluation rubric also aims to address these tensions—we take time to both describe the practical functionality of each system as well as which practices and principles they enable.   

A couple of the more prominent trends we incorporated into this edition of the guide include artificial intelligence (AI) and how to use it responsibly—which has been a huge topic of discussion for the world over the past few years—and equitable, trust-based practices, which also continue to gain momentum in our sector. Grantmakers are clamoring for GMS vendors to incorporate both of these considerations into their systems.   

We know how deeply you care for your grantees, and how badly you need your technology, systems, and processes to support and enhance your ability to positively impact their lives. The goal of this resource has always been to empower grants management professionals to make the most informed choice they can when it comes to their tech solutions. We sincerely hope that the 2024 Consumers Guide can help you on your path to your next GMS.  


The Teams At:


PEAK Grantmaking

Technology Association of Grantmakers

Tech Impact