Appendix C: Customer Experience Survey

  1. What system do you use to manage your grantmaking process?    


  1. How long have you had the system you currently use? 
  • < 1 year  
  • 1-3 years  
  • 4-7 years  
  • 7+ years  


  1. How satisfied are you with your current system? 
  • 1 Star  
  • 2 Stars  
  • 3 Stars  
  • 4 Stars  
  • 5 Stars  

 4.  Would you recommend this system to another grantmaker?

  • Would enthusiastically recommend 
  • Would recommend with some reservations 
  • Would not recommend 
  • Would actively advise against 

Please describe any reservations. 


 5. Do you anticipate switching from your current system in the next 12- 24 months?

  • Yes  
  • No  
  • Not sure  

6. How well does the system you use support the contemporary grantmaking practices your organization may engage with, such as demographic data collection and analysis; equity aligned decision making; or participatory practices (including community scoring of applications); etc.?

  • Strongly Supports  
  • Somewhat Supports 
  • Doesn’t Support   
  • Not Sure  
  • N/A 

   7.  Do you generally agree or disagree with the following statements regarding vendor support for the system you use? 

  • It’s easy to reach someone to discuss a particular problem or ask questions.  
  • The people I’ve reached were able to solve my problem or answer my questions.  
  • My questions or issues are resolved within an hour or two.  
  • My questions or issues are resolved within 24 hours.  
  • The vendor provides useful online avenues in which to research an issue or solution myself.  
  • The vendor is consistently available and prompt in terms of responding to a question or other need.  
  • I hear from the vendor about pending updates to the system. 
  • It is clear to me what is in an update.  
  • Updates to the system are relevant to our needs.  
  • The vendor periodically shares a roadmap of planned future features.  


8. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the vendor’s implementation of the system you use?

  • I was provided with a clear project plan that outlined the timeline and budget for the implementation.  
  • The implementation of the software went according to schedule.  
  • The implementation of the software went according to budget.  
  • It was easy to import our existing data to the new system.  
  • The representatives of the vendor during the implementation phase were knowledgeable.  
  • The system delivers on the promises made during the sales process.  
  • Small issues that arose during the system implementation were resolved within a few days.  
  • Larger issues that arose during the system implementation were resolved within 1-2 weeks.  


9. Do you agree or disagree with the f0llowing statements regarding the training offered by the vendor?

  • Initial training was included in the cost of implementation.  
  • The training offered by the vendor covers areas of interest to me and my organization.  
  • The training offered by the vendor is generally helpful.  
  • The training offered by the vendor is generally easy to understand.  
  • The training offered by the vendor is generally easily accessible.  
  • In general, the quality of the training offered by the vendor is worth what we pay for it.  


10. About how often has there been a time when you couldn’t access the system?

  • Never  
  • 1-2 times a year  
  • 3-5 times a year  
  • 6-12 times a year  
  • 13+ times a year  


11. Are there features you need or would like that are not currently offered by your system?